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CHAPTER 1 - There Are No Such Things (Part 1)

CHAPTER 1 - There Are No Such Things (Part 1) You can remember a moment and recognize the exact second that changed everything. See it so clearly; where your path diverged and the choices presented to you. Take that well-lit road, safe, get home. Put on my pajamas and fall asleep to a movie. Go to work the next day, drink cold coffee and a sandwich for lunch. Live a life, never knowing the bullet I dodged. Never knowing how badly that evening could have ended. Stay late. Lock up. Tired, take the short way home through a rain-glossed parking lot behind the bank. See a thing I had no business being a part of and suffer the consequences of that decision. I could have called a taxi. Could have waited for the last bus. Could have . . . could have . . . should have . . . Didn't.

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